Sunday, May 24, 2009

Image Starts With "I"

There is no I in team, or we. But there is in image. As a matter of fact, image begins with "I". There's no other way around it.
When many of us decide to change our image, we do a lot of exterior changes. We buy new clothes. We get a haircut. We join the gym. Some of us even go so far as to have plastic surgery. These are all definitely ways to change your image. But if you really want to make a real change, it has to start from within. It starts with you.
When people see your image, they see the outside presence of what you are inside. If you are confident, they will see confident. If you are shy, they will see shy. Whatever you are inside, will be reflected outside. So if you really want to implement change in your image, start with you. Find out things about yourself that you don't like and find ways to change them. Whether it's self esteem, lack of focus, being late, not listening, whatever it is, begin with that. You'd be amazed just how much you can improve your image but improving as a person.
Until next time...
God Bless and dress well.

YOu can find more tips from "the Clothier" at

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What the Clothier's Been Up To

Hello my fellow Imagerians,

I know some of you have asked what I've been up to. Well let me tell you. I have been up to a lot!
First, I went to Orlando to do management assessments with Siemens Corp. That was actually pretty fun because I was able to occupy my time during breaks.
I have officially signed on as a lifestyle contributor to .
I am also considering writing for as well. I want to make sure that I give you all, the best imformation available.
I will also be launching my new internet radio show on Saturday Apr 25, at 11am. It will be aptly named "The William the Clothier Show" on If you can't listen to it, that's ok. All shows will be available for podcast immediatley after. And I will post them on the blog as well as on Facebook.
Click on the logo to read my first article for Sign up to receive the feed and get all of my new articles.

Well, I've got to get out of here and do some writing for you. Stay tuned. A video blog will be coming soon. Until next time...

God Bless and dress well,
Willam the Clothier
You can find more articles from William the CLothier @

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

There's No Substitute For Swagger

When you enter a building, people should notice it. People should recognize that you walked into the room. When you speak, people should listen. When you look, they should be looking back. You should exude a level of confidence and power that makes it virtually impossible to go unrecognized. Tis is called Swagger. There's no substitute for swagger.
Swagger is your inner confidence and strength personified in physical form. All great men have it, from Barack Obama and Denzel Washington, to Robert Di Nero and Bill Clinton. It's way you carry yourself at all times. It causes women to notice and men to respect. It allows you to speak without saying a word. It can say, "back off, you don't want any of this!", or it can say., "Come here baby, I'll keep you safe". It's that look that you give a woman that makes her weak in the knees, and the way you walk into a boardroom and change the minds of everyone there.
Swagger has to true definition, though many feel they know what it is; and they are right. Swagger is what you define it to be. But make no mistake; without swager, you are just another face in the crowd. It's your style, your mood, your presence. It personifies itself in your actions and your actions.
Swagger is the sexiest trait a man can have. It is the mark of a true Type-A personality. The Alpha Male has swagger. The wall flower does not. Swagger dates the prom queen, the wall flower watches them dance. Swagger gets the promotion, the wall flower reports to the swagger- bearer. Swagger is part of the cool crew, the wall flower does his homework. This is the difference between swagger and the wallflower. Respect of self. With no self respect, there is no street respect.
Now I hope you already know this, but in case you don't. Swagger is confident-not cocky, it's proud- not concieted, it's strong- not demeaning, it's powerful- not a bully. So please understand that just being a mean, loud, obnoxious idiot isn't swagger, it's ignorance. You look foolish to everyone around you. So don't be that guy.
When you have swagger, you dont have to walk softly and carry a big stick. You walk onfidently, and don't carry a stick at all. So remember this next time you walk into a room, or approach a person of importance. If you have no swagger, you're just another guy. Until next time...

God Bless and dress well,
William the Clothier

Check out more "Tips from the Clothier" at

Monday, March 30, 2009

Parents Please Protect Your Kids

Please take the time to watch this. This is about more than looking good and a nice voacabulary. It is about your children. Please feel free to comment.

You can find more videos and blogs on Until next time... God Bless and dress well.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Successful Image Is Not An Accident

There are a lot of ways to describe how one develops a positive and succssful image; by accident isn't one of them. A positive image isn't achieved by accident. It is the result of performing a series of deliberate acts, consistently, until it becomes routine.
I have a morning routine. I wash, shave, and brush (like everyone else). Then I take my clippers and trim the lipline of my moustache and I clean my neckline. It takes a little more time, but I have an image to project. I make sure my watch doesn't clash with my suit. I also make sure it isn't intimidating to my client. Signs of too much success can be detrimental. I make sure my shoes are nice and clean, and the creases in my shirt are sharp. Then I get dressed and leave.
While I'm on my way to a meeting, I think of the people I may see, potential coversations, and how I want to be taken. I try to see myself as my audience will see me. My movements are deliberate. Every move I make is for a specific effect. I call these power positions.
Have you ever noticed the number of snapshot pictures of our President? He is rarely caught in a silly position or expression, because he has mastered his movements and power positions. In effect, he's mastering his image.
This may sound like a lot, but these are the things that dictate first impressions. These are the things that dictate whether people see you as contender, or a pretender. Anyone can dress up in a suit. But the suit is just the beginning. It establishes the expectation of the audience. What you say, and how you say it are the next steps. It is your responsibility to represent the best you possible. Your image is directly connected to your success. Spend more time on your image and less on ancillary nonsense like fantasy brackets, and where the party is. Think about your image, and you'll think about your success. Until next time...
God Bless and dress well,
William the Clothier
You can find more tips and information on style and image at

Friday, March 20, 2009

C.S.I.- Celebrity Stlye and Image "Chris Harris"

Greetings my fellow Imagarians! I have a treat for you. I'm starting a segment I call "C.S.I.-Celebrity Style and Image". The goal of CSI is to give you an inside look into the thoughts and styles of various celebrities. Celebrities will come from all walks of life; athletes, television personalities, and Corporate America.

Name: Chris Harris
D.O.B. Aug 6
Hometown: Little Rock, Ark
Resides: Charlotte, NC
College: University of Louisiana -MonroeOccupation: Safety- Carolina Panthers
Drafted: 7th pick in 6th round (Chicago Bears)
Trademark: His hat
Clothier Nickname: The Mad Hatter

Our debut celebrity is a homeboy of mine. NFL stud safety, Chris Harris, safety for the NFC South Champion, Carolina Panthers. Chris is regarded as one of the best defenders in the NFL. I can personally vouch, he is one of the smoothest, most stylish and down-to-Earth brothers you will ever meet. Chris is the type of athlete you would want your child to have as a role model.
Unlike some athletes in the news lately, Chris takes great pride in never getting into trouble. He doesn't avoid having fun, he does it responsibly. He's a people's athlete. What else do you expect. He's from Arkansas!

I sat down at lunch with Chris and he shared these thoughts with me.
WTC- How would you define your style?
Chris- I consider my style laid back. I don’t like baggy clothes, unless I’m in athletic clothes. I like to throw my hat on and hit the spot. I like to have swagger.
WTC- What is the one item in your closet that you would never get rid of?
Chris- my hats, because my hat game is official right now. I can’t get rid of my hats.

WTC- What is one fashion trend you wish would go away and stay gone?
Chris- Skinny jeans. I can’t stand skinny jeans.
WTC- What is your trademark, and how did it come to be your trademark?
Chris-my hats. I was watching a Donnell Jones video and I thought it looked good. I never thought a hat would look good on me, but one day I just said I’m gonna try it, and I went out and people liked it, so I just stuck with it.

WTC- What era in time like?
Chris- The 30s. I like the times when everybody was clean. They wore hats, and they wore suits everywhere. I like the look on Idewild (the movie), that's a good look.

WTC-How do you want people to think of you?
Chris- I want people to think, “He’s a pretty cool guy. He was very laid back. He talked to us like an everyday person”.

If you have someone in mind that you think would be a good feature for CSI- Celebrity Style and Image, please let me know via email at Who knows? Maybe they will get a feature about them. Until next time...

God Bless and dress well,
William the Clothier

You can enjoy this and many other features at

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Church Clothes/ Club Clothes

A friend of mine asked me to explain the difference between church clothes and club clothes. I will do my best. But first let me offer this disclaimer. These are my beliefs, and if you feel differently, that's your right: God accepts us for who we are, and as we are. Regardless of how we dress. What's in our hearts is more important than what's on our backs. We should spend more time worrying about our own clothes that someone elses. That being said; one should pay attention to the way they dress in a number of places; especially the house of the Lord. If you have appropriate clothes to wear to church, you should do so. You really shouldn't look like you're transitioning from trying to get laid to trying to get saved. Your catch me/hump me boots, high cut skirt and low cut blouse may do wonders for your sex life, but it isn't beneficial to your, or other's, salvation. You should dress appropriately. If you wouldn't wear it to meet the President of the United States, you shouldn't wear it to meet the Creator of the United States.
But understand this. If this is all you have to wear, then go for it. I don't know your budget, and I don't know where you are in your walk with Christ. It is not my place to judge what I don't know. I would rather you be in church dressed unseemly, than to be at home dressed appropriately.
The house of God is all of our homes. It is not our place to get negatively involved in your salvation. If all you have is club clothes, becuase you are making a change in your life, then wear the club clothes. God will temper your heart when the time is right. And he will allow you to be able to get the clothing to dress appropriately. Until next time...
God Bless and dress well,
William the Clothier

Find more blog posts at

Monday, March 9, 2009

Always Wear A T- Shirt (Video)

Don't Wear A Button Down Collar With A Tie (video)

What Shoes Do You Wear With What Suit

I have been asked, by a good friend of mine, what color shoes do you wear with certain color suits. This will be short and sweet. Black shoes match every color suit. You can also wear brown with all shades of brown suits, and some grey and navy suits. If you attempt this, be very careful. It is very easy to make a huge mistake when venturing out to wear brown shoes with navy, and grey.
Now let's talk about the shoes. If at all possible, you should have at least 2-3 pairs of black shoes and 2-3 pairs of brown shoes; especially if you wear suits on a regular basis. They should be different styles, and should always be shined.
Some rules of thumb with shoes are:
1. Always wear shoes that are darker than your suit.
2. Wear shoes that match the dress level of your clothing. Slip on shoes are actually a casual shoes, (hence they just slip on-like slippers). If you are wearing a suit for professional reasons, you should wear a shoe with laces.
3. Make sure your shoes are always shined.
4. Dress shoes should be laced to be horizontal, not criss crossed. I don't always adhere to this because I don't find it to be that important. Now that I think of it, I better fix that now. I should practice what I preach.
Wearing blue, yellow and other various colors of shoes may sound like a good idea at church, but it is a disaster in the professional arena. Stick to black and brown and you will be just fine.
I hope this answers your question. Feel free to keep the questions coming. I appreciate it. Until next time...
God Bless and dress well,
William the Clothier
You can find more blog posts by me at

Saturday, March 7, 2009

If You Wear a Shirt, Wear a T-Shirt

Listen fellas. I know some of you aren't hip to the dress game, and some of you are. For those of you who are; you know this fact to be true. Never leave the house without a t-shirt.
A t-shirt is to be worn at all times. Whether you are wearing a dress shirt, golf shirt, or a t-shirt, you should always wear a t-shirt, or an a-shirt (otherwise known as a wife beater). An a-shirt should be worn when you wear a t-shirt.
A t-shirt serves a number of purposes. It allows the outer shirt to drape properly without getting that "static cling" look when it sticks to your body.
It also allows a white shirt, especially a white dress shirt, to look crisp an clean. It really looks disgusting when someone wears a white shirt with no t-shirt and their skin shows through the shirt.
It serves as a mild sweat buffer. The t-shirt will absorb the moisture and allow the shirt to continue to have proper drape.
Last, but definitely not least, it absorbs odor. The t-shirt will trap the odor causing bacteria and prevent you from smelling through your clothes.
I know some of you are saying, "t-shirts get really hot in the summer time, and they don't breath well. Well, here's the solution to that! You can buy a 100% polytester t-shirt, much like the material used in the Under Armour clothing. It is like weight, and breathes extremely well. You dont even feel it, and it dries remarkably fast.
I hope you will take heed and follow my advice on this. You will look better, look more professional , and you will look more like a gentlemen. Until next time...
God Bless and dress well,
William the Clothier

Read my other post by logging on to

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Word of the Day

Today's word of the day is EXTRAPOLATE
1: to infer (values of a variable in an unobserved interval) from values within an already observed interval
2 a: to project, extend, or expand (known data or experience) into an area not known or experienced so as to arrive at a usually conjectural knowledge of the unknown area
b: to predict by projecting past experience or known data intransitive
verb: to perform the act or process of extrapolating

Word in a sentence: To get to the full answer, we need to extrapolate the data to find the truth, not just scratch the surface.

This is the first post of "Word of the day". A helpful tool to help add to the vocabulary of the readers, as a means to assist in improving their image. Find more on

What Every Man Should Have in His Closet.

I get asked all the time, "What should I have in my closet?" This is a very good question. This is also an individual-based question. Reason being, I need the time to get to know your style, to pick out specific items in your wardrobe. But in my opinion, there are staples that every grown man should have in his closet.
Before I give you this list, suffer me this digression. If you only have 1 suit in your closet. That let's me know things about you. It tells me that you don't take your lady out to many nice restaurants. It tells me that you more than likely don't work in a corporate environment, and that you don't deal with many business professionals. The latter of these are fine, but fellas, spend some more time with your lady. Take her out somewhere that you have to actually get dressed for. Let her feel like Cinderella for at least one night every couple of months. She'd truly appreciate it.
Now, back to your wardrobe. Every man should have the following items:

1 navy suit
1 charcoal grey suit
1 black suit
1 brown or tan suit (optional)

Dress shirts:
3 white shirts with button collars
1 dress shirt with french cuffs
1 Carolina blue shirt (your choice of collar)
1 pink shirt
1 yellow or cream shirt

2 pair of cufflinks
Handkerchiefs to match your tie or shirt (doesn't have to always be worn)
5-10 ties

3 pair balck socks
3 grey socks
3 pair brown socks

1 pair of black shoes (shined at all times)
1 pair of brown shoes (shined at all times)

This is the minimum that a grown man's wardrobe should consist of. Feel free to add to this wardrobe as necessary. If you're saying right now that you don't have anyplace to wear these clothes, refer back to my second paragraph. Until next time...
God Bless and dress well,
William the Clothier
please fel free to check out my other post on

Monday, March 2, 2009

Don't Button the Bottom Button

I don't believe I even have to post this. I really thought this was a given. You don't button the bottom button of your suit. Regardless of the number of buttons, you never, under any circumstances, button the bottom button. No only is it wrong, it just looks awkward.
Since some of you obviously don't know this, let me explain why. The botton button is to remain unbuttoned so the suit maintains a proper hang in the event that you have to put your hands in you pockets. Now I understand the current style for suits has dual side vents. Though this will still allow suits to hang well, even with the bottom button buttoned (say that fast), it is still improper.
It is also to give the suit proper leg room and drape as you walk. You ever notice how well a suit flows as a gentlemen walks across the room? It looks powerful, confident, and bold. This is a must if you want to maintain a image of success. So, if you see someone out and about in their suit with the bottom button buttoned (again, say that fast), do them a favor, and let them know this. Until next time....

God Bless and dress well,

For those of you reading this on Facebook, you can find more of my tips on

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Company you keep

I am almost reluctant to even post this. It seems almost ridiculous that I need to. However, for the sake of the youth that may read this and the adults that at some point should I shall post this blog.
It is very imperative that you be mindful of he company you keep. Didn't your mother ever tell you that "birds of a feather flock together"? Mine did. It took a while for me to understand what that meant. Now as an adult, I really see it. It seems that daily there is some celebrity that shows up in trouble on a news blotter, or scrolling across the bottom of ESPN. Inveribly, it happens at some night club at 2,3,4 am. Why is it that the people with the most money. The people that parents let their children look up to, that people that grown men and women don their jerseys on Saturdays or Sundays; these are the people that seem to get in trouble for the stupidest of reasons. If you're making over $150K/ year, you can afford to hire someone to drive you around for the night to make sure you don't get a dui. Or you would think they would have enough since to not allow yourself to get in trouble at the same places their teammates seem to always get in trouble with. Apparently, in some cases, we are dead wrong.
Now you probably ask, what this has to do with you. EVERYTHING! Odds are you are not a highly paid athlete, whose skills are in high demand and whose ability is difficult to replace. The truth is there are probably 100 other people out there just waiting to get your spot. Therefore, it would behoove you to be mindful of the places you go and the company you keep. If you show up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Your life as you know it can take a drastic turn for the worst. But then again, what do I know. Until next time...
God Bless and dress well,
William the Clothier

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Be Smart- Sound Smart

If you want people to respect your intelligence, you need to sound, I don't know, intelligent. Wow, that was profound, huh.? Apparently,it was!
Many of you can't figure out why people don't respect your intelligence. It could very well be as simple as, YOU DON'T SOUND INTELLIGENT! Now I'm not saying you need to inundate the masses with multi-syllable words, but I am saying, you would do well to learn a few more. I advise my clients to learn a new word everyday. This may be a bit much for some of you, due to your hectic schedule. So learn a new word once a week, and incorporate it in to your daily vocabulary.
Trust me, there is nothing remarkable about sounding like a rapper, or a country western singer. Most of them lack the on-air vernacular (if you don't know what that means-there's your word for the week look it up!) Most of them lack the vernacular to present themselves as a professional. Terms like bling, crunk, reckon, and y'all, may be perfectly fine within the confines of your environment. But they don't transfer as well in Corporate America. And believe me, if you don't fit into Corporate America, your possibilities of success become extremely limited.
Take some time and learn a new word, you'll be amazed how quickly people will begin to treat you differently once you start to sound different.
Remember the old saying, "It's better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and prove it true." Until next time...
God Bless and dress well,
William the Clothier

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Getting Dressed For Church Is Too Much Work

Let me begin by saying, this post is geared toward Christians, or any other religious faction. I am a Christian so many of the references will be as such. Feel free to substitute for your equivalent term. For my non-faith readers, come back tomorrow, if you feel this is not for you.
Now that that's out of the way, I was wondering. Why is it so difficult for us to get dressed up for church? I understand the bible says, "Come as you are.", and I know it shouldn't matter what you wear to church, as long as you are in church. But I just don't understand how, as Christians, we can call on God when we need him, ask for his forgiveness, and ask him to bless us with all of our wishes, but it's too much trouble to get dressed up for him. I see people dressed up everyday to go to a job God has blessed you with. I see people get dressed in their team colors for sports events. And let's not even get into the amount of work we put into getting an outfit, especially ladies, for a high profile event. We buy new clothes, and accessories, to please the people in the room. But to get dressed to go to the house of God is too much work. I mean, really?
I understand not everyone has a closet full of suits. But what would you wear to a party at your boss' house? I doubt if you would show up the way I see some people show up for church. Blue jeans, shorts, t-shirts; all of these I see on a regular occasion in churches these days. I applaud the pastors that have accommodated this mindset, because it gets more people the church, which is what really counts. My own pastor preaches in jeans. Quite often, I'm one of few in the congregation in a suit. Not because I sell clothing, but because I feel if I can get dressed for a club, I can get dressed for church.
How can you say it's too much work to get dressed for church, but not to go tailgating, or to a party? When times are tough, do you call on Peyton Manning or Tom Brady? Did you call on Oprah the last time a family member was sick? Can Denzel Washington saved your soul? Of course not, but if we went to an event that all of these guys were going to be at, trust me, you'd dress accordingly.
Some of you dress better to go play golf than you do to go to church, and that's just a shame. I don't see a time that I will ever go to church that casual, but if that's how it has to be to get you in church, so be it. I'm just saddened that we care more for wearing the colors of our favorite sports team than we do, to get dressed for God. Oh well, it is what it is. Until next time...
God Bless and dress well,
William the Clothier

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cuffs are a Must!

I've seen a growing epidemic of another fashion fopah. Men not wearing cuffs in their pants. Understand, this is not nearly as bad as wearing button down collars with a tie, but it's still wrong. Gentlemen, if you want to be fashionable, you must wear cuffs in your pants. There is one exception, when you're wearing a tuxedo or blue jeans.
I know the rules of dress make it acceptable to NOT wear cuffs in your pants, but really, haven't you realized just how out of place and silly you look when you walk around with your cuffless pants. You look like one of those old guys in Florida with the polyester plaid pants, white patent leather shoes (and matching belt), that hang out at "the home" and play shuffleboard. You don't want to be that guy! Unless of course, you want to be walking proof that you have no sense of fashion, or style.
Cuffs are traditionally worn at 1 1/2". Personally, I like a little extra flair to my style, so I mix it up from time to time. But my usual preference tends to be 2". I have been know to wear a 1/2" and a 3"cuff; just to be different. However, the 3" cuff didn't go over so well. I'm not tall enough. A person should be around 6'5" to wear a 3" cuff. But man does it look good!
Play around with your cuff size, go big or go small. In any case, you should never be sen without a cuff. That is, of course, if you want to be a man of style. Until next time...
God Bless and dress well.
William the Clothier

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Well today is the international holiday of the ladies. Valentine's Day. I'm curious. What's the male equivelent. I mean come on, none of you are naive enough to think that Valentine's Day has anything to do with men do you? You do? ARE YOU SERIOUS? Have you been watching television over the last, I don't know, 50 YEARS? Every V-Day commercial is about something the man can buy, use, or give to a woman. What about us? What about the fellas? What is our day? Where's the commercial where you come home with a 8 hp, 3 speed, compound mitre saw? Or the one where we sit on our butts while you pander to our every whim with chips, gummi bears, burgers and beer? (or lemonade-for those of us who don't drink). Where the heck is our holiday? I'll tell you where. No where! We get Father's Day, you get Mother's Day. We get "bring your son to work day", you get "bring your daughter to work day" everything is reciprical except this. This one is all for you.
Where is the love for the men out there? Dad teaches the kid how to play football. Dad teaches the kid to knock the crap out of your opponent. Dad goes to every game. And dad brags to his buddies about how his son is the stud on the football team. Meanwhile, mom is trying to figure out a way to not let him play, and is always trying to get him to play something "safer". But when the kid makes it to the big time, what's he say? "Hi Mom" WHAT THE HECK? Where's the daddy love?
I'm usually hard on the fellas because I think we need to step our game up. I think as men, we are failing miserably, and it's evident in the weak, pathetic, undisciplined, disrespectful kids , and neglected, unappreciated, unhappy, and (dare I say) undersexed wives and girlfriends I see everyday. Kids that think they are entitled to have everything done for them. Mommies don't even say, "Wait til you father gets home" anymore, because Dad's a wimp, and let's Mommy make all the decisions. Women that never praise their men, they just bash them, because they don't give them anything to brag about.
Well step up fellas. Be men. Take charge. Get your house in order! Walk in the house, don't say a word, look your woman in the eye, throw her over your shoulder, take her to the bedroom, throw her on the bed and show her what a man is. And after you leave her laying in the afrterglow of long forgotten ecstasy, walk into the living room, put a foot in your kids butt. Lay down the law. Tell 'em there's a new sherriff in town. From now on Daddy makes the rules, and if things don't change, there will be hell to pay. Then, get a babysitter, put on a nice suit, (preferably purchased from me :-)) and take her to a nice restaurant. One with cloth napkins and reservations. Then take her dancing. For those of us who don't have kids, forget the kid part and do everything else.
If you do this. You will have a lot more male Valentine's Days. Who knows? Maybe some of those things you've been trying to get her to do, she'll finally do. Try it. What do you have to lose anyway? Until next time...

God Bless and dress well,
William the Clothier

Friday, February 13, 2009

Time to Communicate

Your image is affected by a mulitiude of factors. Depending on your intended audience, your private image may have different requirements than you professional one.
I'm drawing my inspiration for today's blog from a law student named Mia Lindquist. Like most attractive women out their, Mia has a boyfriend. He sounds like a good guy. Good for him. But in speaking to her, I'm reminded of the many women I meet during the week who aren't so happy in their relationships. And the reasons tend to always be the same. Communication. It's always communication.
I'm no psychologist, and I don't play one on tv. I'm a behavioralist. I study the way people communicate both verbally and non-verbally. And fellas, it's time to step your game up. Everyday I see women that are desparate for affection and attention. Many of you are just a few compliements and some attention from being single. You aren't showing your woman nearly enough attention. She should never forget that you think she's beautiful. She should never have to leave the house to feel desired or to be told she's hot. She should never wish she heard the things from you that she hears from other people. Show her you care. Show her you still desire her. (and not just when you feel the urge in your pants to "connect" with her). Call your woman and just tell her you were thinking about her. Tell her she's beautiful. Get off your butt, put on some nice clothing, and take her out on the town. I don't know, pretend she's as important as your fantasy team. Act like her affection is as valuable as the points spread. Make believe her beauty is as special as the paint job on your car. It can go a long way.
Ladies, I'm not letting you off the hook either. Stop complaining to your friends about your man! It only makes you look silly when you put up with him. Stop confiding in your girlfriend and speak to your boyfriend. Let him know how you feel about him. Tell him he looks nice in a suit. Heck, by him something nice to wear. Take him out sometimes. Do your part! If he doesn't step up, dump him. Period! Why be miserable day after day with the same person. If you go to a restaurant and they don't give you what you want, do you keep going back? Of course not. Then why do it in your relationship. Men are like bras. Get a new one if the one you have doesn't give you the support you need. Otherwise, it's just leaves you droopy. Until next time....

God Bless and dress well,
William the Clothier

Thursday, February 12, 2009

How Stupid Do They Think You Are

Just how stupid does Joseph A. Banks think you are? Or better yet, how stupid are you? Every week they have a different "sale" on, telling you that you are saving so much money. What they really should say is, "Guess how close you're getting to paying a fair price this week?" Their latest takes the cake.
They're advertising, you can save $1200 on 3 suits. The "sale" is on there suits starting at $550. The first is $250, the second is $150, the third is $50. Do the math! That's 3 suits for $150 each. Let's not forget, a month ago they had a sale, buy 1 get 2 free. THIS IS BETTER THAN THAT!!!! That sale was for suits priced $550 and above as well. But as buy 1 get 2 free, the suits cost $183.30 each. Now they are $150. Either way, they are making a profit
Why in God's green Earth are they pricing suits at $550, or $183 for that matter, if they can make money selling them at $150? I'll tell you why.
They think you are so stupid. They know you wouldn't buy a suit priced at $185, so they raise the price then give you a phony sale. I sell the same quality suits for $125-$150 everyday of the week, and I don't even have sales! Wake up people and smell the coffee. Start doing the math and find out where the real money is saved. With the economy being the way it is, it's more important than ever that we spend our money wisely. If you need some tips on saving money and dressing on a budget, shoot me an email at Until next time...
God Bless and dress well,
William the Clothier

Image is Everything

If you don't think everything you do affects your image, you are wrong! And there is no statute of limitations on it either. Think I'm wrong, just ask Chris Brown, Alex Rodriguez, and Michael Phelps.
Let hit them individually, shall we?

Chris Brown is one of the hottest performers on the R&B scene. He has it all; good looks, lots of money, a beautiful girlfriend (Rhianna), and his dream job. He even has (sorry HAD) an endorsement deal with Wrigley's Gum. Nut guess what, due to an alleged, domestic violence charge, his squeaky clean image has been tarnished, Wrigley's has "suspended" his deal, and if found guilty, millions of potential dollars and years of building a reputation will have been shot. What a waste.

Michael Phelps was on top of the world. He is one of the most recognizable figures in the world. A feat unto itself, considering swimming translates 3 levels lower than soccer in the US culture. But on the weekend of November 8th, the same weekend Arkansas played the Gamecocks, I remember seeing Michael Phelps at the game. Though I thought it was odd, I didn't think far beyond it. Well here we are 3 months later, an image from that weekend has emerged. And our beloved Mr. Phelps has been found out to be a pothead. Add that to the DUI he got not so long ago, and the golden one is starting to tarnish. 3 months later.

Then we have Mr. Rodriguez. He admitted he took steroids 5 YEARS AGO. FIVE YEARS!! He's gotten MVPs and tons of other awards since then. He's made about $125 million, gotten divorced, and thousands of high school juniors have now graduated COLLEGE since then. This can cost him most of all. This could cost him his place in the Hall of Fame.
You see, everything you do affects your image. And the more people that know you, the more you have to beware. I'm just starting to gain fame in my field. People are starting to know, and recognize me now. My reputation is starting to preceed me. I have to watch everything I do, now more than ever. Who knows the name of who Chris Brown allegedly assaulted, but his name is in the paper. Who gave Michael Phelps the "Buddha"? Don't know, but Michael is paying the price. Who shot A-Rod in the butt with steroids? Who knows, but I'm sure he's no Hall of Famer. Get the point. No one notices the little guy. The press wants the big fish, be careful which hooks you bite. Until next time...
God Bless and dress well,
William the Cothier

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Appearance at The National Business Association

Yesterday's event was great! I had a wonderful time and would like to thank the National Business Association for Sports for inviting me to speak. I think everyone had a great time and it was very inclusive. Everyone got involved, which was a miracle considering it was during lunch. If you've ever given a speech while people are eating, you know what I'm talking about. Believe me, getting people to put down their knives and forks and listen to some guy ramble about image is no easy feat. But the attendees were very gracious.
A couple of them even came up for me to do an impromptu image appraisal of them on-site. I agreed to do this the day before, but I must admit. I was a bit apprehensive when the time came to do it. Not because of my ability, but because it was in front of their peers. It's never comfortable to critiqued in front of your peers. These individuals were there to network and potentially gain new business. A critique could change the way people looked at them. How would it look for me to have a negative affect on their image while giving a speech on image? I'm sure some people would have done it and called it a way to "verify their credentials". I don't need to verify me credentials at others' expense. I would like to thank those brave individuals that got up and faced the music. It took a lot of guts.
First was Kevin Acoveno, owner of Computer Doc. If you need work done on your computer be an honest person, and genuinely nice guy call Kevin at 704-563-8031 or check out his website at
The second brave soul was Joseph (Jack) Santaniello, of Shumaker, Loop, nad Kendrick, LLP, a top notch attorney. I apologize but I'm not sure what type of law he practices, but he's a sharp individual. He can be contacted at 704-945-2141, or chect them out at
Well that's all for now. I will be posting another blog today on A-Rod, Chris Brown, and how your image can go from the penthouse to the outhouse, in less than a minute. Until next time!

God Bless and dress well,
William the Clothier

Monday, February 9, 2009

Don't Wear a Tie With a Button-Down Collar!

I know, I know. Before you tell me about all of the men in your office that do it, STOP! Button down collars were NEVER meant to be worn with a tie. They are sports shirts. They are meant to be casual. You can wear them with a sportscoat, but not a tie.
Let me give you a little history about the button down collar. Long ago in England, the polo players used to place buttons on their collars so they wouldn't flap when they were on the horses. The Brooks Brothers saw this and incorporated it into one of their shirts. It became a hit, and the rest is history.
Not to get to technical, but here is another reason you don't wear ties with button down collars. The band in the collar is not as stiff as the ones in regular shirts. That's why they don't look as good. Ever notice the way there are such big gaps in the area where the collar buttons? HELLOOO!! How many more hints do you need? I know, you see people everywhere do it. Of course you do. I see kids walk around with their pants hanging off their butts and big discs in their earlobes, but that doesn't make it right.
Listen, there are rules to dressing well. Not everyone follows them. Most people get by with it because they are surrounded by people who don't know. However, when you get around people who do know about dressing well. They will know, and you will look the fool. DO what you wish. You're a grown man. But don't say I didn't tell you so.
Until next time,
God Bless and dress well
William "the Clothier"

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Why do I have to be a Metrosexual?

I don't get it. Will someone please explain to me why a man that takes time to pay attention to the details in his appearance has to be labeled? I'm a country boy from Arkansas. I was raised that a man took care of himself. When he left the house he looked decent. His hair was combed. His teeth were brushed. His pants FIT! What in the world went wrong? I'll tell you what went wrong. Men stopped acting like men. Men, by definition, have changed.
Somehow, it became manly for a guy to leave his home, looking like he just got out of bed; pants too big, clothes not fitting properly; just a hot mess. It's pothetic! I didn't mispell it POthetic! Poor taste+ pathetic= Pothetic. It's so bad that, when a man takes real time to show care about his image and appearance, he's got to be given a label. He's a metrosexual. When I was a kid, it was just called being a man, now it's a metrosexual.
Fellas, ask you lady whether or not she prefers your nails to be groomed. OF COURSE SHE DOES! Who are we to expect our women to take the time to look beautiful, while we do less than the bare minimum? We should be ashamed of ourselves for being such poor mates. They go out and get fake boobs, manicures, pedicures, hair styled, facials, and everything else. Why? To look good for us. And we can't take time 15 minutes to actually pay attention to whether or not our clothes match, to manicure our nails, and to get a decent haircut. No wonder your woman doesn't look at you the same, you lazy, low expectations, bare minimum giving, waste of a penis! No wonder you're always worried about her leaving you. Give her something to be proud of. Take some time and pay attention to your image. You spend hours a week thinking about fantasy football, or the big game. Give your woman a fantasy. Try to look like the men she's going gaga over on television. Pay attention to your fitness. Get a manicure. Get a haircut. Buy some decent clothes. Stop trying to impress your boys by "being a man", and impress your woman. I guarantee you, you'll get a much better return on your investment from your woman, than from your boys.
As for me, if taking the time to look good when I leave the house, spending time on proper grooming, and taking a little extra time get it right makes me a metrosexual. Then fine. I'M A METROSEXUAL! Guilty as charged!
Me enjoying my manicure.

By the way, before one of you tries to validate your lazy lack of hygiene and concern for your image by questioning my manhood, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I'm 6', 225lbs, I spent 81/2 years in the U.S.Navy (7 1/2 as part of a covert special operations unit), I shoot expert with 7 different weapons (lef t and right handed), and have 5 black belts in 3 systems-not to mention multiple degrees including a Masters in Economics. So, "Don't let the smooth taste fool you". I don't need to dress and act like a neanderthal to prove my manhood. I know who I am.
If this post doesn't apply to you, then don't worry about it, but if it does, stop gripoing and suck it up. Don't complain to me. Check with your woman. Ask her if she could do a makeover on you, what would she change. You'll be surprised by her answer. And believe me, she has an answer. So until next time...

God Bless and dress well,

William "the Clothier"

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Biggest Event Thus Far

I am glad be blogging on the biggest event yet for William Wilson Clothing.
I attended the SuperLX Super Bowl parties at the GLC Complex in Ybor City. That's great. But what's really cool is the man of the hour, former NFL linbacker Michael Barber, was wearing my clothes on the red carpet. When Michael decided to host the Diamonds and Pearl Gala, and the T-Pain 3-Ring Circus, he asked me to handle his clothing. It was a hit. Michael looked great, escorted by his lovely fiance' Kim, as he entertained the attendees with his winning smile, and "never-met-a stranger" charm.

Michael wore a black, 3- piece suit, with a white shirt and silver tie, adorned with black stripes for the gala. For the T-Pain event, he wore an amazing blue 3 button suit with a lilac shirt and lilac tie with purple stripes. Michael was definitely the best dressed man in the building. (sometimes I have to take a back seat and let my clients shine :-))
There were tons of celebrities there, including Dallas Cowboy superstar Felix Jones, Washington Redskin QB Jason Campbell, and actor Jeffery Wright.
This was indeed a huge event for me, and and helps solidify my position as Charlotte's hottest men's clothing provider.
We also made some new friends including one that's sure to become a huge name in the food community. Tampa area housewife and food connoisseur Leslie Green, better known as The Hungry Housewife is an up and coming food celebrity and was a huge hit at the Clubhouse. Her banana-nut , and red velvet muffins, and huge (like 1/4lb huge) chocolate cookies were a hit. Check out this rising star at I'm sure we'll be seeing more of her.
Well that's it for now. God Bless and dress well!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Why are men's clothes so expensive?

Every time I meet a new client, I laugh when they tell me how shocked they are by the prices of my clothing. When I show them one of my $175 suits, they almost always say the same thing. I would expect to pay at least $500 for this suit. They normally would have to; especially since I meet my clients at their home or office to sell the clothes to them.
When I started my company, I traced the suit from the field to the body, meaning I tracked it from the sheep the wool comes from, to the person who purchases it. I realized, after the suit is manufactured, you are just paying for people to touch it. Everyone that touches that suit like shipping, storing, inventory, and sales is increasing the price of that suit. And once it gets to the store, it really increases! You are paying for the store overhead, the advertising, the sales staff, and the rent of the store, and oh yea- the profit the store has to make. In fact, the bigger the store, the more you are being overcharged.
Now, I live in Charlotte, NC. My clients know that the only people that touch my clothing is the manufacturer, me and the them. Therefore, my prices are exponentially lower than ANYTHING on any rack. In fact my most expensive custom suit is only $1500. I can't service everyone in America, (though I'm working on an avenue to try) so you need to find a guy that sells direct clothing. It will save you hundreds of dollars. If you can't find one, let me know. If you can arrange at least 10 people that need my service, I will fly to you to provide the service. Or let me know what you are looking for and I can quote you a price and ship it to you. In the meantime, be on the lookout for my online store coming soon!

God Bless and dress well,
William the Clothier