Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Appearance at The National Business Association

Yesterday's event was great! I had a wonderful time and would like to thank the National Business Association for Sports for inviting me to speak. I think everyone had a great time and it was very inclusive. Everyone got involved, which was a miracle considering it was during lunch. If you've ever given a speech while people are eating, you know what I'm talking about. Believe me, getting people to put down their knives and forks and listen to some guy ramble about image is no easy feat. But the attendees were very gracious.
A couple of them even came up for me to do an impromptu image appraisal of them on-site. I agreed to do this the day before, but I must admit. I was a bit apprehensive when the time came to do it. Not because of my ability, but because it was in front of their peers. It's never comfortable to critiqued in front of your peers. These individuals were there to network and potentially gain new business. A critique could change the way people looked at them. How would it look for me to have a negative affect on their image while giving a speech on image? I'm sure some people would have done it and called it a way to "verify their credentials". I don't need to verify me credentials at others' expense. I would like to thank those brave individuals that got up and faced the music. It took a lot of guts.
First was Kevin Acoveno, owner of Computer Doc. If you need work done on your computer be an honest person, and genuinely nice guy call Kevin at 704-563-8031 or check out his website at
The second brave soul was Joseph (Jack) Santaniello, of Shumaker, Loop, nad Kendrick, LLP, a top notch attorney. I apologize but I'm not sure what type of law he practices, but he's a sharp individual. He can be contacted at 704-945-2141, or chect them out at
Well that's all for now. I will be posting another blog today on A-Rod, Chris Brown, and how your image can go from the penthouse to the outhouse, in less than a minute. Until next time!

God Bless and dress well,
William the Clothier


  1. Thank you very much William for the kind words. I really enjoyed your presentation at the TNBA meeting. By the way - I have gone back to wearing undershirts. Also I bought some nice black dress shoes and stopped wearing my Skeecher "boots" to better my client's "perspective" of me. Thanks for your advise, now since I dress better, I have built up more self confidence when I visit my clients!

  2. Hey William; God Bless you in your work. You have an opportunity to share the love of Jesus Christ every day with people some of us will never meet. I know that Mike Mitner has the same opportunity and now as a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ he does this all the time. Looking forward to the next time we can meet and share lunch together.

    God Bless,
    David Lee
    President & Founder
    United States Christian Chamber of Commerce Inc.,,
    "Do Business With Those Who Share Your Christian Values"
    "Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3
